
Mukteshwar IVRI Campus Uttarakhand

Indian Veterinary Research Institute - Mukteshwar

Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) was established in 1893 by the British.The campus of this institute is located in the town of Mukteshwar.The institute is responsible for carrying out high end research in genetics, animal nutrition and bacteriology. Spread in a large area, the campus has a British architecture which reflects in all its building. A veterinary museum and a library are other popular attractions of the site,which reveals historic events to the travellers.

There are different divisions in this institute. Each division performs some particular task. Division of Virology, division of temperate animal husbandry and Extension Education Section are some of the important sections which are present in this institute. Different research projects are going on in this institute. Some of the best veterinary researchers are involved in completing these projects.

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